Monday, March 25, 2013

Raise your Vibration

When you are moving through life humming up at a higher level, mundane things become amazing, and nothing can get you down.  Pretty great place to be right? But how do we get ourselves there?

Start by imagining you have a spindle of energy in your heart space.  Picture it spinning, fast, faster, it's growing.....glowing with energy and light.  First, it fits only inside your heart.  Now it is growing, it fits inside all of your body. You are filled with this amazing energy! As it spins, the gunky stuff that might slow it down is breaking off and allowing it to move more freely.  It increases in size and becomes a bubble of spinning energy around you!

We are on this journey together.  When we stumble the universe is ready with someone/ something to catch us.  We just have to have faith in that.  How does one have faith when it is happening?  The key is discovering the tools that work for you.  Learn a few basics, and utilize when nessecary. You can always expand, but it helps to start somewhere. Baby steps. Here are a few ideas:

Raise your vibration with music!

Make of list of things that you know make you feel good.  Put them on your fridge. Refer to this list when you are having a hard time mustering on your own. Consult the list and preform as many of the things on it as it takes to help you feel higher!  Examples: Take a walk, take 5 deep breaths, laugh, eat something healthy, or maybe something sweet.  Call a friend, turn on the lights, buy some flowers. Look at pictures of baby animals online, pet your dog/cat.....and so on!

It may begin with surrender.  Surrender to the feeling your having and this may allow you to release these feelings instead of fighting them.  By surrendering or accepting your low place you allow yourself to rise out of it without feeling as though you HAVE to.  I am low....right now....but I can be up.  I can change.  I might not know how, right now, or have the skills right now, but I can change.  Life can change. 

After my hour of joy this morning I was humming along, and I even had the thought: If I got pulled over right now I would be able to say thank you to the police officer for giving me a ticket.  Wow!  Thankfully I didn't get pulled over, but for that instant I was not living in fear of being pulled over.  I felt so free to not be in fear of that thing.  Do we realize how many things we are afraid of all the time? Raise your vibration and things don't seem as scary, leaving you with more time, and energy for a positive life. This feeling will lead to you to help in raising the vibration of the world!  You are powerful!!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Manifest Monday

I am on a journey.

It began with needing to find in myself enough self worth to allow myself to get a job and has turned into something amazing!

I now meet with an amazing group of women every Monday morning at 8:00 am.  Early you say?  Thankfully I am a morning person, but it is so awesome and uplifting every week that I now look forward to Mondays more than any other day of the week.

 2 months have past, and we have covered so much ground. I want to share this joy I have found, here on Mondays. Hence forth, Manifest Monday! I take notes and leave feeling so energized and empowered and want to share this amazing and uplifting info with the world. 

The last two weeks we have incorporated a short meditation.  I find this so valuable.  The time it takes = 5 min.  Do I find time generally to do this? No.  I'll be honest I intend to but don't take the time, but with anything, the more you do something, and have posative results, the more inspiring it is to continue.

So join me now, read, then participate:
 Take a moment to center your self, close your eyes, center your breathing, think about your heart space, fill yourself with light.  Think about something amazing happening, your heart quickens, in a good way.  You are so filled with excitement at the anticipation of something amazing happening this week.  Feel that feeling and keep it with you as you open your eyes.   

Today we started talking a little about self worth: I am jumping right in where we are because ultimately it is freshest in my mind, and the journey becomes a litle like the chicken and the egg. Ultimately all the things we encounter comes together to create what we know as our life, and we have only right now. 

So many of us struggle with self worth.  It is difficult not to compare oneself with others and assume a lot in doing so.  How about not comparing.  Decide for yourself what makes you feel worthy. What brings you joy? Your job. Your spouse. Your children.  These things can all be gone in an instant.  Be grateful for them in the moment, but at the end of a second, a minute, a hour or a day all that is left is you.  Believe in your own worth and all other sources of joy will seem that much more special. 

Start by saying:
I am worthy
I am Abundant
I am wealthy
I am Happy
I am Beautiful

Did you say it?  Try it again.....louder this time


Listen to yourself.  Are there things that are harder to say than others.  Say them again. When you feel les than all these things try saying these five short sentences out loud.  Even if at first you don't feel like you believe it.  What's the worst that can happen if you spend 5 min. out of 24 hours to feel these 5 things about yourself.  Go for it!